Saturday 20 January 2024

Instructions for the 'Final Four' best transcription apps for language learners 4/4 – Fireflies AI

 Fireflies Instructions:




Number of Languages


What you get free

800 minutes storage Unlimited transcription

Android 8.0 and up,
iPhone iOS 13.0 or later

ChatGPT requires Android 6.0 and up or iOS 16.1 or later
Copilot requires Android 8.0 and up or iOS 15.0 or later 


Recording yourself:

Go to Home and click on +Transcribe, choose Record audio, click on the red circle, and record yourself. (You may need to give permission to use the microphone.) You can pause the recording if necessary. When you end the recording, give it a name that you will recognise and click on Upload. Click on View status and the transcription will be ready in less than a minute.

Click on the recording when it says Completed and pause it. Then click on Transcript in the middle, lower down. Click on Speaker 1 and write your name, tick Apply to all paragraphs from this speaker and click on Update.

 You can’t edit the transcript here, but see below.

Exporting/Sharing/Copying your transcription:

Click on the three dots at the top on the right and choose Download meeting, then Download Transcript. Then uncheck Include timestamps and uncheck include speakers if it’s a monologue and choose Word (DOCX).



When it says Download this file? click on Download. Click on the three dots on the right of the file, choose Open with, Docs.

Editing the transcription:

Click on the Pen icon and you can correct any obvious mistakes in it.


Click on Download and then Show. Click on the file to open it. Click on the Upload icon in the top corner on the right, Swipe the row of coloured icons left and click on More, Swipe up and click on Docs.

Editing the transcription:

Click on Save to Drive and click on the Pen icon and you can correct any obvious mistakes in it.


Exporting/Sharing/Copying your transcription:

Hold your finger down on the text and Select all the text and click on Copy.

Open ChatGPT or Copilot and write your instructions (Can you correct my mistakes and mark the corrections in bold?”) at the start of the prompt and then paste in the transcript.

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