Thursday, 18 January 2024

Instructions for the 'Final Four' best transcription apps for language learners 1/4 -

 SoundType AI Instructions:




Number of Languages


What you get free

180 minutes/month
Only the first 8 minutes of transcription per audio are accessible

Android 7.0 and up,
iPhone iOS 12.1 or later

ChatGPT requires Android 6.0 and up or iOS 16.1 or later
Copilot requires Android 8.0 and up or iOS 15.0 or later 

"By using the Service, you represent and warrant that you are at least 18 years of age, or the age of legal majority in your jurisdiction, if different. If you do not meet this requirement, you must not access or use the Service." From SoundType AI terms and conditions

Setting the default transcription language:

You can always select the language after recording, but if you want to set the default language you can. Click on the Settings icon at the bottom on the right and then click on Default transcription language. Choose one of the 90 languages by clicking on the language displayed and starting to write the language you want. Click on it and then on Confirm.

If you want to change the Display language, click on it, and choose from the 11 languages offered. Then click outside the white area. 

Recording yourself:

Click on the Plus icon at the bottom in the middle and then click on the microphone icon. Click on the red circle at the bottom in the middle to start recording. (You may need to give SoundType permission to use the microphone.) You can pause the recording if necessary. Click on Done to end the recording, and Select English as the language and specify the number of speakers (usually one). Give the Audio a name you will recognise and click on Save.

The transcript will be ready in a minute or two.

Editing the transcription:

You can change the Speaker 1 to your name if your click on the pen next to Speaker 1: it will change them all automatically. If you click on the icon at the bottom on the right, you can edit any part of the transcript. It’s a good idea to correct any obvious errors in the transcript. Click on Done to save your changes.

Exporting/Sharing/Copying your transcription:

Click on the Share icon at the top on the right, change Export format to Copy text and change to not include timestamps. Click on Confirm at the top on the right. This will copy your transcript to your clipboard. 

Open ChatGPT or Copilot and write your instructions (Can you correct my mistakes and mark them in bold?”) at the start of the prompt and then paste in the transcript.



  1. I've added another section to the instructions:
    You can always select the language after recording, but if you want to set the default language you can. Click on the Settings icon at the bottom on the right and then click on Default transcription language. Choose one of the 90 languages by clicking on the language displayed and starting to write the language you want. Click on it and then on Confirm.
    If you want to change the Display language, click on it, and choose from the 11 languages offered. Then click outside the white area.
    English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Dutch, Japanese, Korean, Chinese, Simplified Chinese, or Vietnamese

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. now requires Android 8.0 and up
