I decided to record a video of a simulation of the complete process of how a student can record herself on SoundType AI, get a transcript, edit it, and copy it to Copilot and ask for it to be corrected and for suggestions for improvements at her level. It includes listening practice, too!
In this situation the student would
already have the notes they used to retell the story and the same notes and any
further notes from the feedback from AI could be used to repeat the task,
recording it again on SoundType AI (obviously) and repeating the request for
correction and suggestions for improvements.
I’m planning to look next at getting students using Notta AI
and ChatGPT in the same way.
Information about SoundType AI and how to download it
This example was of a student who was learning English. I've added a section on changing languages to the instructions:
You can always select the language after recording, but if you want to set the default language you can. Click on the Settings icon at the bottom on the right and then click on Default transcription language. Choose one of the 90 languages by clicking on the language displayed and starting to write the language you want. Click on it and then on Confirm.
If you want to change the Display language, click on it, and choose from the 11 languages offered. Then click outside the white area.
The display languages are:
English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Dutch, Japanese, Korean, Chinese, Simplified Chinese, or Vietnamese